
About Me


A place for me to talk about my crafts. Blog where I have my Reborn Dolls photos and info. When I have more made; Dolls for sale.

This webpage where I show examples of all my craft project. Hints and tutorials links; some I made others are just good information.


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Reborn Dolls

Hailey Anna

First Dolls 2008

Hailey Anna was one of the first kits that I had purchased. Which kit she was I can not remember. Her body is cloth from a pattern I purchased. I tried to make her look body out of flower fabric, so she looked like she had clothes. But the whole idea didn’t work once you attached her ¾ arms and legs.
I did root her hair the first time and did not like the outcome. I cut it all off and settled with a nice wig. Her light brown hair was a Jessica Wig from Monique. 18mm brown eyes.


You are♥LOVED♥ Little One

Pacifier attaches to mouth with a magnet inside the head.

Most of the dolls have a pacifier. They make the doll seem real with one. Dolls that might not have one are my fairies. Dolls come home with outfits, name bracelet, blanket, and Birth certificate. The certificate has weight, length, and day of "birth". I also can print the doll's name and new parents if provided at time of purchase.

Sample Birth Certificate


These images are really old. Some these the only ones I can find of each doll on my computer. (Also they were taken before I knew how to use my camera)

I only sell on E-Bay and Etsy at this moment.

Links that will take you to my listing on each site.
